Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Giant steps

Sky are realising the future today with their new Skybybroadband service which allows subscribers to their service to download programming content to their PC. They have not taken the next step to make it easily transferable to mobile devices as it is rights protected. They are starting with movies and sport but will surely expand this offer. This sort of progress makes a pc media centre make a lot more sense.

Google and AOL

Google have paid over 1 Billion USD for a 5% stake in AOL, on the surface of it this is to protect the 10% of Google revenue that is provided by AOL. However if you dig a little deeper then you will see that Google also get access to Time Warner's film and video catalogue. This puts increasing pressure on Microsoft who were trying to tie AOL down with an MSN deal.

Saatchi & Saatchi Kevin Roberts

Quote; "If you want to understand how a lion hunts, don't go to the zoo. Go to the jungle."

Quality content on demand over the web

AOL have announced that they will be launching In2TV is early 2006. They will launch with six genres; comedy, drama, animation, action, classic and superhero/villain . The content will initially come from Warner Bros and specifically created content. Although the programming will be funded by advertising this will bring tomorrow to our desktop today. These innovations were recently predicted to be likely in years, this will happen in months. AOL reach 112 million unique monthly visitors all of whom will be able to short circuit broadcast media and advertising.
What with Apple being is bed with Disney this is no longer a dream but a battle that is heating up fast.

Tin foil helmets off everybody

This is what expensive scientific equipment is really for. MIT have proven that contrary to popular belief tinfoil helmets actually amplify government radio waves rather than protecting you from them. They are out there

Prediction for 2006

2006 will be the year when non-interruptive marketing really takes off. From advertiser funded programming and a rise in "editorial'' placed pieces on television whether it is broadcast or delivered over the web ,to the creation of word of mouth marketing agencies. There will be a waiting crowd of new players in the market taking marketing budget from conventional advertisers.


Scoopt is cashing in on two converging phenomena, citizen journalism and camera phones. Scoopt will be your agent for any pictures and video and for half the revenue represent you to the national press and broadcast television. With more and more news events taking footage from amateurs this can only be a growing trend that will go from strength to strength. If scoopt are strong middlemen and represent their clients well whilst offering broadcasters and print journalists what they need this will take off fast.

Flexible Thais

Shopping in Thailand is an experience of flexilble pricing at every shop. Hardly anything has a price tag on it and even if it does that price is never final. Could your business benefit from charging customers based on their percieved value of your product?

Murdoch's space

It took a while, but Rupert Murdoch has started to try and future proof his business. Rupert may not be liked by every/any body but he is a shrewd business man and is often well placed when investing which is why his acquisition of myspace has put even more dollar focus on the sector. I think this will become his main business driver in the future rather than the sideline that it is now. I will watch with interest as his business strategy evolves.

Neutral news sources

Are any news sources neutral any more? Is neutral news important? Al Jazeera try to be. I am getting more and more news from sources with similar world views to myself whether that be consumer generated or mainstream. It is always refreshing to step back and consider another view once in a while.


PocketCaster from Com vu is the world's first live video broadcasting solution for mobile devices. At the push of a button on a cameraphone, anyone can broadcast live events to the the world. The key here is 'live', this is streaming video, this will turn any cameraphone into an instant broadcasting tool. More and more broadcasters such as Sky in the UK are interviewing individuals "involved" in the news over mobile phone accompanied by a still. It will be less than six months until we see some protester or other broadcasting live over pocketcaster with Sky broadcasting the feed live.


It is interesting that Wal-Mart is attracting to its website some of the affluent customers it can't get to shop in its stores. Users of the

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Tory Leadership Campaign

Well the Tory party may stand a chance yet, David Cameron winning the leadership contest and Carol Thatcher winning I'm a celebrity they are on a roll.
David Davis 64,398
David Cameron 134,446

Turner winner shed boat shed

No suprises on Simon Starling winning the Turner prize with his interesting piece shed, boat, shed when asked what he intended to do with his prize money, he replied that he "wanted to throw a replica Henry Moore sculpture into Lake Ontario" what a fantastic answer.

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