Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Topten sources is an interesting site in a world of overload a site where humans aggregate interesting content.

Skill less labour

How little skill does your job need for your employer not to care who turns up to do your job? Mc Donalds are offering a very interesting scheme in the UK where close family can share one job. If you can't be bothered to get out of bed to flip burgers then perhaps you can convince your sister to do it for you? Would this work in more skilled jobs?

The value of this asset may fall as well as rise

It is amazing to see this graph from alexa.org Google have managed to outstrip Yahoo in terms of traffic in only Two years. Yahoo is spending lots of money on content whilst Google are into a more collaborative approach. Value can be destroyed as quickly as it is created, Google beware!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Italian in New York

I got taken to a great neighborhood Italian restaurant in New York. Parma Restaurant is owned by John Piscina and is on third avenue at 80th street. It is a great place filled with locals, excellent food, excellent service.

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